Thursday, October 30, 2008

Letters to the Next President

In the midst of all of the transition and change in our life, we have been closely following the upcoming presidential election. We've already sent in our votes to Georgia via absentee ballot and have been praying consistently for the results. Am I worried? Trying not to be. Am I concerned? You bet!!!

This morning I went for a long walk and listened to a podcast of Andy Stanley's series, Letters to the Next President. You can watch all 3 parts here. The individual teachings are entitled Heaven Rules, Beyond Approval Ratings, and Once Upon a Time in the Middle East. What was interesting to me was that my focus when I pushed play was on the election, but by the time the teaching was over, I was focused on how the teaching applied to my life and to the lives of so many people that I know and love. If you have any kind of leadership position at all - leading a family, a business, an organization, a church, or a class - then you should really check out this series. Not only did it help me to put some perspective on my own life, but it also gave me a new way to pray for the outcome of the election. I hope you will take the time to check it out!

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