Friday, February 27, 2009

What's Happening in Our Neck of the Woods

Life at the Orr house has been a little nuts lately - let me try to take you through what the past 2 weeks have been like for John and me...

2 weeks ago, my little girl Prissy laid her first egg. As crazy as this may sound and for those of you who know me well, it DOES sound a little crazy, but I was SO excited!! This was the primary selling point for us getting these 3 little pooping machines, and to finally have eggs is a really big deal at our house. These girls have done more than provide us with endless entertainment and fresh eggs everyday - as weird as it may sound, it's given John and I another common interest to talk about and enjoy. We love going outside and hanging out with the girls and I love giving John the daily update of what they've gotten into when he calls from his trips. I never thought that I'd be devoting this much time or energy to talking about chickens, but I guess anything is possible :)

On a side note, John's girl Georgia has also started laying - she had a nest hidden in our banana trees, and when John found it, there were over a dozen eggs stockpiled back there!! Of course, they were put in the trash - I'm not eating eggs that have been sitting outside for over a week!

For Valentine's Day, John and I were both in Atlanta and had a lovely dinner the night before at our favorite restaurant in Peachtree City, Georgia Shrimp Company. On the 14th, I was trying to fly home to Fort Lauderdale, but all of the flights were booked. Luckily, John was leaving that night on a 3-day trip that took him to Chicago, Orlando, Indianapolis, and had an overnight stop on Sunday night in FORT LAUDERDALE! All of his flights were open, so after a little shmoozing with the gate agent, I was booked on his flights for Saturday and Sunday and had the opportunity to watch him work. It was the first time I had been on a plane that he was flying - and it was so cool!!! I had to try really hard not to get cocky, (you all know what happened last time), but sitting in first class and "casually" mentioning to everyone around me that my husband was flying the plane was hard to resist!!

3 days after getting to fly around with John, I met him and his aunt's family at Disney for 3 days. The weather was perfect, the company was also perfect, and it was great to get some down time with my hubby. I came down with a killer cold the day before I left for DIsney, but it didn't stop me from having a great time!

Here's John with our super-cool Auntie Pam and cousin, Nat. We had such an amazing time - I can't wait to do it again!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Valentine

Valentine's Day is this Saturday (hint, hint - you have a few days to make some incredible plans for the people you love) and I am looking forward to finding new ways this week to show John just how much I love him. I am pretty sure he always knows when I am frustrated or upset or in a bad mood, so I want to make extra sure he knows how much I love him this week.

In my humble opinion, John has it made on Valentine's Day. While most girls require a lot, I only ask for 2 things: 1) A card and 2) That we plan to go somewhere together and spend the day together. The card thing is a big deal - I love cards and, much to John's dismay, I spend about $30 a month on cards at the Hallmark store. When we were dating (and talking about getting married), John showed up at my house with a Valentine's Day was the exact same card that my friend, Jenn, had given to me the year before. It said, "Valentine's Day is not just about romance..." Yeah, he started reading cards in the store before he bought them after that.

Our first married V-Day, we drew straws and I had to plan our day. We started the day with breakfast in bed, followed by lunch at the Harley store and an afternoon boat cruise on the Intercoastal. After the cruise, we grabbed ice cream on Las Olas and went home for an extra special home-cooked meal of steak and shrimp. Last year was John's turn, and I was sick as a dog!! Poor thing!! He made me a lovely dinner and cleaned the kitchen and took extra special care of me.

This year, we are going to be in Atlanta and my plan is to go to Stone Mountain - it is my favorite spot in Georgia!!!! I am still working on a couple of surprises for John - I have to go all out, not just because he is absolutely God's best for me, but because I have some serious competition!!!!

What do you have planned for Valentine's Day?? Whether you're single, dating, or married, it is a great opportunity to take a few minutes to show love to the people who mean the most to you! And if you're planning on buying a card, get to the Hallmark store tomorrow before all the good cards are gone!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Recently I have made some tough choices - today I was extremely pleased to receive affirmation that these have been some extremely wise and beneficial choices. As I used to tell my girls, the right thing to do is RARELY the easy thing to do - but I am so, so, so glad that I chose correctly!!!!!