Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Visit From Mom

Last week, my mom came to visit us for the first time since we got here. I was u
ltra-excited and could not wait to show her all of the things that made me think of her here (and there were tons!). My mom and I were always VERY close - from high school all the way through college - and I loved it! Once grandchildren (for her) and a new husband (for me) were added to the mix, we developed a different, yet still close relationship.

We hit the Cyclorama, Stone Mountain (which I could go to every night and never get tired of its charm), and the Georgia Aquarium. It was amazing to share the weekend and some of my favorite spots in Atlanta with 2 of my most favorite people. John loves my mom and she loves him, so it was really cool to hang back and watch the two of them walk and talk and laugh and just enjoy each other.

Here are some pictures from our weekend - and did I mention that it was COLD???

Joan and me at Cyclorama :)

My mom and I at Stone Mountain - yes, we like to try on funny hats!

John and I at Stone Mountain - isn't it gorgeous???

John and I at the Aquarium

We had a great weekend and I am ready for more visitors! John's family is coming next week for Thanksgiving and we are really excited! Who are you going to see or who is coming to see you soon???


Christy Music said...

We have my Daddy, Deb, Kylie, Ricky, Deb's parents, Deb's Uncle and some of Eric's family coming to visit us! I'm hosting 14 people!!!! AHHH!!! At least all but Ricky and Kylie are staying at hotels! I'm SO excited to be hosting though, makes me feel WAY TOO grown up though! Happy Thanksgiving!

Heather Orr said...

You are going to have a great time!! We are having about that many here, too, but our place is too small for hosting or "hotel-ing!"

It IS a really grown-up thing!! But I am sure that it will be amazing!!

Happy Thanksgiving to You, too!!!!