Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chicks, Man

John and I are going to be moving into a house in Cooper City at the end of the month - yes, we are totally excited! When we first went to look at the house, the lady who lives there told us that she had pet chickens. Yes, chickens - as in Kentucky Fried, Cluckin', Rotisserie, etc. She took us out to her ENORMOUS backyard and in one corner of the yard was a little henhouse and when she called, 2 chickens came running towards her. It was unbelievable! She said that she had a friend who had them and raised them for their eggs (2 a day!). They required so little care and were so inexpensive that she decided to get a couple of her own. They stay outside, are not nearly as dirty as you would expect, and are extremely quiet. She treats them like pets and they provide her with fresh eggs - I'd like to see a cat try that one!!

So of course, John (being the redneck that he is) decided right then and there that since the yard was already set up for chickens that we should have them, too! The thought of having farm fresh eggs totally appealed to me and with the understanding that he would do all of the dirty work, I joyfully agreed to the idea.

Unfortunately, John was born without an ounce of patience so while I was in Tampa this weekend, he went out and bought 2 chicks. When I came home, he took me to pick one out for myself and now we are the proud owners of 3 chicks - Prissy, Sheryl, and Georgia - and John and I are obsessed!! John built a tiny mansion for them yesterday out on my sister's back patio and we are constantly checking on "the girls." Everyone we have told has looked at us like we are insane, but we think it is great! I would have loved to have waited until we were in our house, but I'm not complaining.

Pictures of the girls are coming soon...


Anonymous said...

CHICKENS? Thats awesome!

Now, this might be a dumb question, but don't you need a male chicken(rooster) if your chicks are going to give you eggs?

Anyhow, thats pretty cool. I've gotta come check that out when Jenn and I are out their for Christmas.

bugs mom said...

"get 'er done!"

Heather Orr said...

No, not a dumb question - a lot of people have asked that - without being too graphic, it's basically like humans - women produce eggs, but they don't become babies until they are fertilized. Hens lay eggs daily when they are about 5 months old - unfertilized, of course - which is why you will probably never crack open an egg from the grocery store and find a bak in it :)

Heather Orr said...

I mean, beak :)

Anonymous said...

You must be in Davie, huh? Now all John needs is a big 4 wheel drive with big rig tires and a rebel flag in the back & thanks for the biology lesson.

Heather Orr said...

What's really funny is that right before we moved to Atlanta, he got rid of the giant truck with the mud tires!!! God certainly has a sense of humor - my life is just like Green Acres!!!